About a false alarm and what if

One thing that scares many foreigners living in Japan is an emergency alarm on the mobile phone. First, it is always unexpected, second, extremely loud, and third, only in Japanese Continue Reading
One thing that scares many foreigners living in Japan is an emergency alarm on the mobile phone. First, it is always unexpected, second, extremely loud, and third, only in Japanese Continue Reading
This year the rainy season happens to be a real one. By “real” I mean that it rains often, especially on weekends, and whenever you check the forecast with an Continue Reading
They say, destiny does not make home visits (unlike NHK representatives), but now I would not be so sure. I agree that you still need to buy a ticket to Continue Reading
Another year has gone by and “here we are, as in olden days”, sings Sinatra as I unpack the Japanese Christmas cake. Still in Japan, a bit in a Japanese Continue Reading
Whatever we think, time, places, people and experiences shape us in one way or another so that we become who we are and continue to evolve into new versions of Continue Reading
There is one thing that I am absolutely amazed about in Japan. Let me tell you a story: It is not a secret that bureaucracy in France could be quite Continue Reading
“Everybody is midway in their story.” (Ron Carlson) Normally you would do a mid-term review at work to review the annual objectives, the progress and if any changes are needed, Continue Reading
2015 is coming to an end, though it does not feel so while strolling along the beach by the Indian Ocean. With many small and big surfers around trying to Continue Reading
One arbitrary turn along the way and I would be elsewhere, I would be different… That’s human nature, to focus on the future or on the past, but not on Continue Reading